Applying for a Judith Filler Foundation Grant

The Judith Filler Foundation grant application is available.  Applications are due March 1st and September 1st of each calendar year.  

***The Foundation will now consider funding grants for non-profit purposes in line with our mission, with structured oversight defined by the nature of the project even if your organization is not a 501(c)(3). For more information review the applications and guidance on this page.***

Grant Application for Judith Filler Foundation for IRS-Recognized Non-Profit Organizations and Organizations Sponsored By IRS-Recognized Non-Profit (Umbrella) Organizations

Grant Application for Judith Filler Foundation for Small Projects by Informal, Non-501(c)(3)/Non-IRS-Recognized Non-Profit Organizations

You need to complete the grant application form and either email it to or mail it 1709 Norris Dr., Austin, TX 78704. Applications must be postmarked by the application deadline date. Include copies of your most recent IRS Form 990 Determination Letter if you are an IRS recognized non-profit and any supporting documents including your proposed project budget.

The Foundation helps organizations working to end the death penalty in Texas leverage their volunteer resources and pursue projects and activities they would not otherwise pursue because of a lack of resources.   The Foundation seeks to provide much needed seed money and financial support to organizations seeking to eradicate the death penalty in Texas that have committed members but limited financial resources to pursue their objective.  

Review the list of funded projects under the Recipients page. If you want to see if your proposed project or activity is something within the Foundation’s goals before completing an application, you can email us at

The Foundation will prioritize proposals that involve innovative action, expansion of activities that have proven successful, or projects and activities in areas of Texas where there historically has been less anti-death penalty advocacy. 

The Foundation will generally not support routine operating costs, but will focus on specific detailed projects or activities with detailed projections of costs. 

No, the Foundation is prohibited from funding any political activities.  In order to maintain its federal tax exemption, the Foundation will not provide funding for projects for campaigning or provide financial support to any candidate for political office or any ballot measure.  The Foundation cannot provide funding for Direct Lobbying.  Direct Lobbying refers to attempts to influence a legislative body through communications with a member or employee of a legislative body, or with a government official who participates in formulating legislation when those communications refer to legislation and reflect a view on the legislation.  The Foundation can also not provide funding for Grass Roots Lobbying.  Grass Roots Lobbying refers to attempts to influence legislation by attempting to affect the opinion of the public with respect to the legislation with communications that refer to legislation and reflect a view on the legislation, and encouraging the audience to take action with respect to the legislation.  This is based on IRS rules.

Yes, an organization can obtain grants for non-political activity if the organization utilizes other funding for their political activities.  The Foundation grant funds must be directed to the organizations’ specific projects and activities that are unrelated to political candidates, ballot measures, or direct or grassroots lobbying.

The Foundation encourages organizations to apply for funding of specific projects and activities that are in the $500-$5000 range of cost, while higher cost projects will also be considered, if Foundation funds permit. If your organization is an informal, non-501(c)(3)/non-IRS-recognized non-profit organization the Foundation will consider grants for small projects, no more than a few thousand dollars to be paid by reimbursement for documented expenses or issuing payment for invoiced fees. Due to IRS regulations and the complexity of oversight we are not able to issue checks for the entire grant amount to the organization or an individual for them to spend and report back on as we do with our 501(c)(3) grantees.

The Foundation currently projects that it will distribute approximately $40,000 per year. Actual yearly grant awards will be dependent on the Foundation’s investment income, as well as the Foundation’s bylaws and Internal Revenue Service tax regulations and laws.

Grant applications are due March 1st and September 1st of each calendar year. If an organization has a time-sensitive project to propose, they should email  However, the Foundation strongly encourages advance planning of projects and will only consider projects outside of the grant cycle that arise from exigent circumstances such as responding to unanticipated event.

While the Judith Filler’s Foundation’s preference is to fund 501(c)(3) or other IRS recognized non-profit organizations, the Foundation will consider grants for non-profit purposes in line with our mission, with structured oversight defined by the nature of the project even if your organization is not recognized by the IRS. This means that if you are not a 501(c)(3) organization or IRS recognized organization and not sponsored by an IRS recognized non-profit organization, your organization, or in limited cases individuals, can apply for grants for small projects, no more than a few thousand dollars to be paid by reimbursement for documented expenses or issuing payment for invoiced fees. Due to IRS regulations and the complexity of oversight we are not able to issue checks for the entire grant amount to the organization or an individual for them to spend and report back on as we do with our 501(c)(3) grantees.

We hope this will allow some small groups to implement discrete projects or obtain support of some of their ongoing anti-death penalty activities that some are doing with their limited personal funds.

While the Judith Filler’s Foundation’s preference is to fund 501(c)(3) or other IRS recognized non-profit organizations, the Foundation will consider grants for non-profit purposes in line with our mission, with structured oversight defined by the nature of the projecteven if your organization is not recognized by the IRS. This means that if you are not a 501(c)(3) organization or IRS recognized organization and not sponsored by an IRS recognized non-profit organization, your organization, or in limited cases individuals, can apply for grants for small projects, no more than a few thousand dollars to be paid by reimbursement for documented expenses or issuing payment for invoiced fees. Due to IRS regulations and the complexity of oversight we are not able to issue checks for the entire grant amount to the organization or an individual for them to spend and report back on as we do with our 501(c)(3) grantees.

We hope this will allow some small groups to implement discrete projects or obtain support of some of their ongoing anti-death penalty activities that some are doing with their limited personal funds.

Yes, but that Foundation Director cannot participate in the decision by the Foundation to fund your organization’s grant application, must disclose to the Foundation that they are a member of your organization and should be listed as a member on your grant application.  Someone is considered a member of your organization if they are a dues-paying member of your organization, have designated or identified themselves as a member of your organization, have held, or holds an elected or self-assumed leadership position in your organization, have received compensation from your organization in the past two years, or have participated in the planning of events or activities for your organization within the last two calendar years.

Grant recipients must file a final report, with appropriate documentation, including receipts or other appropriate documentation of all expenses. Depending on the nature of the grant, periodic reports may be required. Any unused funds must be returned.

If your organization is informal, non-501(c)(3)/non-IRS-recognized non-Profit organization, the funds will be distributed for documented expenses or issuing payment for invoiced fees. The structure of distribution will be determined by the nature of the project. A final report and possibly periodic reports will be required.

Failure to provide documentation and required reports will result in disqualification from future grants. In addition, the Foundation has the authority to withhold and/or recover grant funds in cases where funds are, or appear to be, misused.